The Ancient Hindu Mantra of Lord Shiva, known as “Namami Shanishaam,” holds profound spiritual significance in Hindu tradition. Through the rhythmic recitation of this sacred chant, devotees invoke the divine energy of Lord Shiva, the destroyer and transformer in the Hindu pantheon.
Understanding the meaning and power behind this mantra is key to unlocking its potent benefits for personal growth and spiritual evolution.
In this article, we will delve into the origins, symbolism, and practical applications of the “Namami Shanishaam” mantra, offering insights on how to incorporate it into daily practice to deepen one’s connection with Lord Shiva and experience the transformative power of this ancient invocation.
Rudrashtakam Mantra: Namami Shamishan & Benefits
1. Introduction:Rudrashtakam of Lord Shiva
Rudrashtakam: Namami Shanishaam Mantra in Sanskrit
नमामीशमिशान निर्वाण रूपं विभुं व्यापकं ब्रह्म वेद: स्वरुपम् । निजं निर्गुणं निर्विकल्पं निरीहं चिदाकाश मकाशवासं भजेऽहम् ॥
हे ईशान! मैं मुक्तिस्वरूप, समर्थ, सर्वव्यापक, ब्रह्म, वेदस्वरूप, निज स्वरूप में स्थित, निर्गुण, निर्विकल्प, निरीह, अनन्त ज्ञानमय और आकाश के समान सर्वत्र व्याप्त प्रभु को प्रणाम करता हूं।।1।।
निराकामोंकारमूलं तुरीयं गिरा ध्यान गोतीतमीशं गिरिशम । करालं महाकाल कालं कृपालं गुणागार संसारपारं नतोअहम ॥
जो निराकार हैं, ओंकाररूप आदिकारण हैं, तुरीय हैं, वाणी, बुद्धि और इन्द्रियों के पथ से परे हैं, कैलासनाथ हैं, विकराल और महाकाल के भी काल, कृपाल, गुणों के आगार और संसार से तारने वाले हैं, उन भगवान को मैं नमस्कार करता हूं ।।2।।
तुषाराद्रि संकाश गौरं गभीरं मनोभूत कोटि प्रभा श्री शरीरम् । स्फुरन्मौलि कल्लोलिनी चारू गंगा लासद्भाल बालेन्दु कंठे भुजंगा ॥
जो हिमालय के समान श्वेतवर्ण, गम्भीर और करोड़ों कामदेवों के समान कान्तिमान शरीर वाले हैं, जिनके मस्तक पर मनोहर गंगाजी लहरा रही हैं, भाल देश में बाल-चन्द्रमा सुशोभित होते हैं और गले में सर्पों की माला शोभा देती है।।3।।
चलत्कुण्डलं शुभ नेत्रं विशालं प्रसन्नाननं नीलकंठ दयालम । मृगाधीश चर्माम्बरं मुण्डमालं प्रिय शंकरं सर्वनाथं भजामि ॥
जिनके कानों में कुण्डल हिल रहे हैं, जिनके नेत्र एवं भृकुटि सुन्दर और विशाल हैं, जिनका मुख प्रसन्न और कण्ठ नील है, जो बड़े ही दयालु हैं, जो बाघ के चर्म का वस्त्र और मुण्डों की माला पहनते हैं, उन सर्वाधीश्वर प्रियतम शिव का मैं भजन करता हूं।।4।।
प्रचण्डं प्रकष्ठं प्रगल्भं परेशं अखण्डं अजं भानु कोटि प्रकाशम । त्रयशूल निर्मूलनं शूल पाणिं भजेऽहं भवानीपतिं भाव गम्यम ॥
जो प्रचण्ड, सर्वश्रेष्ठ, प्रगल्भ, परमेश्वर, पूर्ण, अजन्मा, कोटि सूर्य के समान प्रकाशमान, त्रिभुवन के शूलनाशक और हाथ में त्रिशूल धारण करने वाले हैं, उन भावगम्य भवानीपति का मैं भजन करता हूं।।5।।
कलातीत कल्याण कल्पान्तकारी सदा सच्चीनान्द दाता पुरारी । चिदानन्द सन्दोह मोहापहारी प्रसीद प्रसीद प्रभो मन्मथारी ॥
हे प्रभो! आप कलारहित, कल्याणकारी और कल्प का अंत करने वाले हैं। आप सर्वदा सत्पुरुषों को आनन्द देते हैं, आपने त्रिपुरासुर का नाश किया था, आप मोहनाशक और ज्ञानानन्दघन परमेश्वर हैं, कामदेव के शत्रु हैं, आप मुझ पर प्रसन्न हों, प्रसन्न हों।।6।।
न यावद् उमानाथ पादारविन्दं भजन्तीह लोके परे वा नराणाम । न तावद् सुखं शांति सन्ताप नाशं प्रसीद प्रभो सर्वं भूताधि वासं ॥
मनुष्य जब तक उमाकान्त महादेव जी के चरणारविन्दों का भजन नहीं करते, उन्हें इहलोक या परलोक में कभी सुख तथा शान्ति की प्राप्ति नहीं होती और न उनका सन्ताप ही दूर होता है। हे समस्त भूतों के निवास स्थान भगवान शिव! आप मुझ पर प्रसन्न हों।।7।।
न जानामि योगं जपं पूजा न तोऽहम् सदा सर्वदा शम्भू तुभ्यम् । जरा जन्म दुःखौघ तातप्यमानं, प्रभोपाहि आपन्नामामीश शम्भो ॥
हे प्रभो! हे शम्भो! हे ईश! मैं योग, जप और पूजा कुछ भी नहीं जानता, हे शम्भो! मैं सदा-सर्वदा आपको नमस्कार करता हूं। जरा, जन्म और दुःख समूह से सन्तप्त होते हुए मुझ दुःखी की दुःख से रक्षा कीजिए।।8।।
Namami Shanisham ( Translated to English )
(Salutations to Sri Rudra) I Salute the Lord Ishana (another name of Sri Shiva) whose Form represents the state of the highest Nirvana (extinction of all desires and passions leading to the highest bliss),
Who Manifests taking a Form though in essence He is Pervading everywhere; and His Form embodies the Highest Knowledge of Brahman present in the core of the Vedas.
Who remain absorbed in His Own Self which is Beyond the three Gunas (Sattva, Rajas and Tamas), which is Beyond any Vikalpas (Change and Manifoldness), and which is Free from any Movement (due to desires etc), Who Abides in the Sky of the Chidakasha (Spiritual Sky); I Worship that Ishana.
(Salutations to Sri Rudra) Who is Formless and the very Root from where the Sacred Omkara arises; Who Abides in the state of Turiya (the fourth state in which Brahman is experienced in meditation)
He is the Lord Who is Beyond the Knowledge which Speech can express and Beyond the Perception which Sense Organscan perceive; He is Girisha (another name of Sri Shiva literally meaning the Lord of the Mountains) Taking the Terrible form of Mahakala He can tear apart Kala (Time) himself; at the same time He is an embodiment ofCompassion to His devotees, I Bow down to Him Who helps in Crossing this Samsara (delusion of worldly existence) which is like a Dwelling Placemade of Gunas.
(Salutations to Sri Rudra) Who is Shining White Resembling a Mountain of Snow; and His Being is very very Deep, In the depth of Whose Mind exist Millions of Rays of Splendour, which expresses themselves on His Auspicious Body, Over Whose Head, the Beautiful Ganga Throbs and Surges forth towards the Worlds, Over Whose Forehead the Newly Risen Moon Shines spreading its Rays, and around Whose Neck adorns the beautiful Serpents.
(Salutations to Sri Rudra) Whose Ear-Rings Sway near His beautiful face, which is adorned with a striking Eyebrow andLarge Beautiful Eyes, Whose Face is beaming with Joy and Grace, Whose Throat is Blue (due to drinking the poison during samudra manthana) and Who is extremely Compassionate, Whose Clothes are the Skin of the Lord of Animals (signifying Tiger) and Whose neck is adorned with a Garland of Skulls, I Worship Him Who is Beloved of His Devotees, Who is Shankara (another name of Sri Shiva) and Who is the Lord of All.
(Salutations to Sri Rudra) Who is Terrible, Eminent and extremely Strong; Who is the Highest Lord,
Who is ever Unborn and Whole; and with the Effulgence of Million Suns, Who has a Trident in Hand, the Three Spikes of which Uproots the bondages of the Three Gunas (Tamas, Rajas and Sattva), I Worship the Consort of Devi Bhavani Who can be Attained only by Devotion.
(Salutations to Sri Rudra) Whose Auspicious Nature is Beyond the Elements of the gross material world and Who Bringsan End to a Kalpa (a cycle of creation when all gross elements are dissolved),
Who Always Give Great Joy to the Wise Men and Who is the Enemy (signifying Destroyer) of the Tripurasuras (who represents Adharma), By Taking Away the Great Delusion, He plunges the prepared Soul in the Fullness of Cidananda (the Bliss of Brahman or Pure Consciousness), O, the Enemy (signifying Destroyer) of Manmatha; Please be Gracious to me; Please be Gracious to me, O Lord.
(Salutations to Sri Rudra) As Long as the Lotus Feet of the Lord of Uma is not Worshipped in This World or Later by the Human Beings, So Long (i.e. Till then) Joy, Peace and End of Sorrows will not be experienced in life. Therefore O Lord, Please be Gracious, You Who Reside within All Beings.
(Salutations to Sri Rudra) I do Not Know how to perform Yoga, Japa or Puja. I Always at All Times only Bow down to You, O Shambhu (another name of Sri Shiva), Please Protect me from the Sorrows of Birth and Old Age, as well as from the Sins which lead to Sufferings, Please Protect me Oh Lord from Afflictions; Protect me O My Lord Shambhu.
The significance of mantras in Hindu spiritual practices
Mantras hold a special place in Hindu spiritual practices, believed to have profound effects on the mind and spirit when chanted with devotion and understanding.
Overview of the “Namami Shanishaam” mantra
The “Namami Shanishaam” mantra is a revered chant dedicated to Lord Shiva, the supreme deity in the Hindu pantheon. It is recited to invoke blessings, protection, and guidance from Lord Shiva, especially in times of difficulty and challenges.
2. Meaning of “Namami Shanishaam”
Breaking down the Sanskrit words and their translations
“Namami” translates to “I bow down to,” and “Shanishaam” refers to Lord Shiva, particularly in his aspect as the ruler of the planet Saturn. Therefore, “Namami Shanishaam” expresses reverence and homage to Lord Shiva in his role as a guardian and protector.
Symbolism and Deeper meanings behind the mantra
The mantra symbolizes surrender and seeking divine intervention to overcome obstacles and bring balance into one’s life. It embodies the power of transformation, resilience, and the ability to navigate challenges with grace and strength.
3. Significance of Lord Shiva in Hinduism
Lord Shiva in Hinduism
Lord Shiva is revered as the destroyer and transformer in Hindu mythology, representing the cyclical nature of creation, preservation, and dissolution. He is also seen as the embodiment of meditation, wisdom, and divine grace.
Stories and attributes associated with Lord Shiva
Tales from the scriptures depict Lord Shiva as a compassionate deity who bestows blessings upon his devotees and removes their sorrows and obstacles. His attributes include the trident, third eye, and crescent moon, symbolizing power, insight, and detachment from worldly illusions.
4. The Power and Benefits of Chanting the Mantra
Healing and protective qualities of the Rudrashtakam mantra
Chanting the “Namami Shanishaam” mantra is believed to invoke the protective energies of Lord Shiva, shielding the practitioner from malefic influences and bringing healing on physical, mental, and spiritual levels.
Personal growth and spiritual transformation through the Rudrashtakam mantra
By reciting the mantra with sincerity and faith, individuals can experience personal growth, inner strength, and spiritual transformation. It cultivates a sense of peace, clarity, and alignment with divine energies, leading to a deeper connection with oneself and the universe.
5. Origins of the Rudrashtakam Mantra
Tracing the origins of the “Rudrashtakam – Namami Shanishaam” mantra
The “Namami Shanishaam” mantra finds its roots in ancient Hindu scriptures and traditions, specifically dedicated to Lord Shiva in his form as Shanidev (Saturn). The mantra holds significance for its association with seeking blessings and protection from Saturn’s influence.
Evolution of the Rudrashtakam mantra in Hindu scriptures
Over time, the “Namami Shanishaam” mantra has been passed down through generations, evolving in its spiritual significance and application. It can be found in Vedic texts, Puranas, and various hymns dedicated to Lord Shiva, showcasing the enduring power and relevance of this sacred chant.
6. How to Incorporate the Rudrashtakam Mantra into Daily Practice
Guidelines for chanting the mantra with devotion and focus
To incorporate the “Namami Shanishaam” mantra into daily practice, devotees are advised to chant it with sincerity, focus, and a pure heart. Regular recitation can help imbibe the mantra’s essence and bring about positive spiritual vibrations.
Creating a sacred space for mantra recitation
Setting up a dedicated space for chanting the mantra can enhance the spiritual experience. This can include lighting incense, using sacred symbols, and maintaining a serene environment conducive to deep meditation and connection with the divine.
7. Exploring the Devotional and Spiritual Aspects of Rudrashtakam Mantra
Cultivating a deeper connection with Lord Shiva through the mantra
By chanting the “Namami Shanishaam” mantra regularly, individuals can cultivate a profound spiritual connection with Lord Shiva. This practice fosters devotion, inner peace, and a sense of protection under the benevolent gaze of Shanidev.
Devotional practices and rituals associated with the mantra
Devotees may choose to incorporate specific rituals and practices while chanting the mantra, such as offering water, lighting lamps, or observing fasts on auspicious days. These rituals deepen the spiritual experience and enhance the mantra’s potency in invoking divine blessings.
8. Embracing the Wisdom in Lord Shiva’s Mantra
In conclusion, the “Namami Shanishaam” mantra encapsulates the timeless wisdom and divine protection of Lord Shiva in his form as Shanidev. By embracing this mantra in daily practice with sincerity and devotion, individuals can benefit from its spiritual grace and guidance in navigating life’s challenges with strength and resilience.In conclusion, the ancient mantra of Lord Shiva, “Namami Shanishaam,” serves as a powerful tool for spiritual growth and inner transformation.
By embracing the wisdom and devotion encapsulated in this sacred chant, individuals can connect with the divine essence of Lord Shiva and experience profound healing and blessings in their lives.
May the ecstatic spiritually deep resonance of the “Namami Shanishaam” mantra continue to guide and inspire seekers on their spiritual journey, leading them towards deeper understanding, good health, peace, and finally enlightenment.